Saturday 14 January 2012


The coffee ecosphere consists of all living things, all inorganic materials and physical forces interacting with one another. Understanding the coffee ecosphere aids in unraveling the energy flows, deciphering the interactions between living things and the environment, the transfer of food, the flow of energy and the exchange of inorganic nutrients and organic compounds. The coffee grid in turn depends upon the delicate balance of ecological processes for the fulfillment of its needs. The coffee ecosystem closely interacts with the BIOTIC (LIVING) & the ABIOTIC (NON-LIVING) environment. The relationships between the different factors are so smooth and often so subtle that seldom we are aware of the immense structural and functional complexities involved. Within the coffee mountain there is a great diversity in the types of ecosystems because of the change in elevation within a single zone. The energy balance within each system, ultimately determines the health of the coffee forest. The dominant energy which enters the coffee ecosystem is mainly in the form of sunlight and is used by photosynthetic organisms in the synthesis of organic matter. The energy and the nutrients obtained from the nutrient pool of the soil move from producers to herbivores. A part of this energy is dissipated by the organisms during respiration and the rest made available to herbivores, which are animals that consume the photosynthesizers. The herbivores in turn make use of this energy in the build up of cellular constituents and make way for the carnivores. The carnivores use the herbivores as their primary energy source and the food chain continues with one carnivore eating the other. It is of paramount importance to remember that every step is characterized by a chain of events leading to energy loss in the form of heat. Death or destruction of flora or fauna results in the establishment of DECOMPOSERS. The decomposers act on the litter, decaying plants and animals and return the minerals to the nutrient pool. The primary decomposers are the microorganisms. Microorganisms utilize energy released by plants and animals in the form of excretory products.
BIOTIC COMPONENTS: Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
MACROCONSUMERS OR PHAGOTROPHS: Heterotrophic organisms mainly animals. Organisms which obtain their energy from sources other than themselves, indirectly or directly.MICROCONSUMERS: Chiefly Bacteria, fungi. Actinomycetes.They break complex organic molecules into simpler compounds for producers.
PRODUCERS OR AUTOTROPHS: These are the green plants with the help of chlorophyll prepare their own food. Since, green plants or producers convert solar energy into chemical energy, they are sometimes referred to as transducers of energy.


The physical and chemical environment inside the coffee mountain plays an important role in the distribution of energy levels. Within the boundaries of the coffee mountain biotic partners interact and carry out their activities significantly modifying the characteristics of the mountain. Only a small fraction of the solar energy (< 10 % of the total solar energy falling upon the coffee forest is used by the first tropic level. This chemical energy stored in the plant tissues is used up by the plant to carry out its physiological activities and a part of the energy is transferred to the next tropic level, namely consumers, also referred to as HETEROTROPHS. Along the transformation path, there is a loss of certain amount of energy. Further, the flow of energy is always unidirectional and gradually tapers. Useful energy level steadily declines from one tropic level to the other.


An inside view of the coffee mountain reveals a highly organized and intelligent ecological pyramid. First come the producers (Tall evergreen trees, herbs, shrubs, climbers,) and then a regular decrease in the energy, biomass and number of organisms occupying a tropic level. The pyramid starts with a broad base and ends tapering at the apex.
  1. PYRAMID OF NUMBERS: It indicates the numerical relationship between the different tropic levels of the food chain.
  2. PYRAMID OF ENERGY: Explains the movement of energy flow at each tropic level as well as the role played by different organisms in the transfer of energy. Energy pyramids are always slopping. Greater amount of energy is available at the producer level and gradually decreases by the time it reaches the primary consumer level. In turn Energy production of the primary consumers is greater than that of the secondary consumers.
  3. PYRAMID OF BIOMASS: Represents the total dry matter present in the ecosystem at any one given point of time.
The energy sources within the coffee mountain are highly variable depending on the seasons. Some nutrients are available only for short periods of time because of the rapid colonization and consumption of microorganisms and in some cases depending on the leaf shedding there is an excess of nutrients on the floor of the forest. The best part of the energy equation is that microorganisms have evolved highly sophisticated regulatory mechanisms to make use of the available energy resources. This has a tremendous bearing on the quantitative yield and qualitative yield of coffee.
Depending on the elevation, rainfall, temperature and other related physical factors the coffee mountain is organized into a large number of intersecting food WEBS. This complex food web consists of diverse number of species, the populations of which have reached equilibrium in terms of rate of multiplication and destruction. Any sudden or drastic change in equilibrium results in the break down of the natural rhythm of the ecosystems.


Based on our very own experiments as well as collecting data from fellow farmers we have arrived at a few significant conclusions which will help coffee farmer's world wide in maintaining the productivity and a sound ecological balance within their coffee farm.
Productivity is generally defined in terms of the amount of dry matter accumulated within a specified period, expressed in grams/m?/day. The productivity of green plants is known as primary productivity and that of consumers and decomposers as secondary productivity.
GROSS PRODUCTIVITY: It is a reflection of the sum total of organic compounds accumulated, inclusive of the amount used in respiration by the plants during which measurements are made.
NET PRODUCTIVITY: Refers to the amount of organic compounds stored by the plants in their tissues.
  1. For every ton of raw coffee (Arabica) sold, the coffee farmer needs to externally add up to two tons of compost. In case of Robusta coffee, the required compost is one and a half tons.
  2. For every ton of anticipated coffee, two and a half tons of compost should be added in the available form.
  3. The raw materials used for compost should have a low carbon nitrogen ratio and it is preferable to use Sheep, poultry and cattle manure mixed along with raw neem seeds, coffee pulp and green leaves of erythrina indica and glyrecedia immaculate.
  4. Timing of application of compost is very important. Check other articles (Fine art of composting, organic manures).
  5. It is not advisable to only use cattle manure as a base for compost. Every compost pit should be lined with soil from fertile cradle pits or water trenches to boost the native micro flora.
  6. In case of ROBUSTA, with increase in age of plants, the application of nitrogenous fertilizers should be reduced.


HOMEO=SAME, STASIS=STANDING. To a considerable extent, coffee ecosystems are self regulating entities that have a high degree of equilibrium or homeostasis. The environment and the organisms are both products of a continuous process of change. Cybernetics refers to undesirable man made changes in trying to disturb the natural controls. For e.g. In spite of dramatic changes in the weather due to depleting forest cover or sudden rise in hydrogen ion concentration, due to excessive application of nitrate fertilizers, the coffee bush as well as the surrounding flora and fauna try to adjust their physiological activity by switching on and switching off a few essential genetic components so as to not be affected by the sudden change. However, if the changes persist over an extended period of time, then there is every likelihood in the collapse of the biotic system.


Evolutionary biologists have time and again arrived at one scientific truth that has great relevance for shade grown Indian coffee plantations. They are of the opinion that it is not necessarily the strongest or the largest species that survive, but the one's most responsive to change. However, it is to be observed that these changes should be gradual and a product of nature rather than man made, sudden and dramatic. When the changes are slow, it gives adequate time and ability for the biotic partners to adapt and transform to survive the changing times and thrive. Nature is an amazing survivor under such circumstances.
Managing coffee plantations has been a deeply enriching experience for the two of us. Our observations for the past 20 years point out that the coffee forests possess the most luxuriant vegetation of all biomes and there is a strong ASSOCIATIVE INFLUENCE among various biotic components inside the coffee mountain. The coffee ecosystem is mutually inter connected and interrelated. A few factors like global warming, geo chemical changes, destruction of forests, commercial logging, toxic levels of pesticide residues can drastically imbalance or upset the food supply chain resulting in the break down of food webs. The reason may be attributed to the fact that we have not been able to understand the delicate and orderly balance that exists in the natural ecosystems. One has to bear in mind that all food chains are cyclic in nature.
Tim Radford reports in the "GUARDIAN" under the title BLUE PLANET'S RED BALANCE SHEET that the human race is living beyond its means. A report backed by 1360 scientists from 95 countries-some of them world leaders in their fields warns that almost two thirds of the natural machinery that supports life on earth is being degraded by human pressure. The wetlands, forests, savannahs, estuaries, coastal fisheries and other habitats that recycle air, water and nutrients for all living creatures are being irretrievably damaged. In effect, one species is now a hazard to the other 10 million or so on the planet, and to itself. Human activity is putting such a strain on the natural functions of earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted. The report prepared in Washington under the supervision of a board chaired by Robert Watson, the British born chief scientist at the world bank and a former scientific adviser to the White house, will be launched soon at the Royal Society in London. It warns that because of human demand for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel, more land has been claimed for agriculture in the last 60 years than in the 18th and 19th centuries combined. An estimated 24% of the earth's land surface is now cultivated.
One burning question that remains in our mind is that at the present rate of destruction whether coffee mountains will remain without biodiversity? Coffee farmer's world wide should be cautious in destroying forest relationships.
In the new world order, the temptation of using chemicals and pesticides is even greater. This practice can contaminate food webs. At each level of the food chain, chemicals and heavy metals can go on concentrating and finally get embedded in the human body as a result of BIOMAGNIFICATION. This can result in dire consequences for future generations. The ultimate aim of technology should be in preserving nature.
Everything that man has made in this world is surpassed by nature. We need to focus on the small details in order to better appreciate the larger spectrum. This will enable us to be conscience to the many dimensions of our existence and treat the resources of the mountain with respect. A sustainable system empowers coffee farmers to build better lives. It is our obligation to understand that in nature's shadow we all co exist.


  • THE SUN provides food for GRASS
  • The GRASS is eaten by a GRASSHOPPER
  • The GRASSHOPPER is eaten by a FROG
  • The FROG is eaten by a SNAKE
  • The SNAKE is eaten by a HAWK


  • TREES produce ACORNS which act as food for many MICE and INSECTS.
  • Because there are many MICE, WEASELS and SNAKES have food.
  • The insects and the acorns also attract BIRDS, SKUNKS, and OPOSSUMS.
  • With the SKUNKS, OPPOSUMS, WEASELS and MICE around, HAWKS, FOXES, and OWLS can find food.
  • They are all connected! Like a spiders web, if one part is removed, it can affect the whole web. 
FOOD WEBS show how plants and animals are connected in many ways to help them all survive. FOOD CHAINS follow just one path of energy as animals find food. 

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